Thursday, December 4, 2014

Life changes...

As with most everything in life, change is imminent.
Whether you roll with it or fight it, its going to happen.
I choose to roll with it:)
Due to some health reasons I have had to close my beloved Copper Gazette, an online news site for my little wonderful, energetic and amazing town.
However, I will continue to freelance for the Calaveras Enterprise and hope to spread my wings to other journalism adventures.
With only two jobs consuming less of my time than three, I hope to have time to return to my many unfinished manuscripts...especially the one that pulls at my heart the most; In Their Words, Vietnam. A collection of stories from those who were their words.

I wish you all well, and as always, happy reading!

Thursday, May 22, 2014


My apologies for not updating this page.
My career took a bit of a detour and ended up in journalism...a lot of journalism.
As a veteran advocate I have begun a column with the local newspaper titled the Veterans Corner. I will attach links to some of the articles.
I also have been active in starting a Veterans Treatment Court in my County. A relatively large undertaking that appears to be on a roll, thanks to the support of the Judge, DA, Sheriff, and the Director of Behavioral Health.
Thank you for your support of my endeavors. And as always...happy reading!

Veterans Corner: A new column for valued people

Veterans Corner: Service dogs for veterans a saving grace

Veterans Corner: Vietnam vets open doors with farrier school

For more articles visit Calaveras Enterprise and search for Veterans Corner.