Thursday, September 27, 2012

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Words are so much more than simply words...

Writing is not simply words streamed together to create a story, they are colors and feelings painted on the awaiting canvas of the readers mind. A reader does not know what corner will be turned next, they await the surprise and expect to be moved.

I can only hope that when people read what I have written they will feel intense emotions of... passion... fear... love... desolation... hope... tragedy....laughter...sadness...

Emotions so real that for a moment my thoughts translated to words, become their thoughts translated to feelings.

Reading is a journey....

Enjoy the journey....

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Suicide Prevention and Awareness walk-a-thon Speech 9-15-12

I would like to thank you all for coming today to the 3rd annual Live On Suicide Prevention and Awareness walk-a-thon! Today, you are making a difference… for some, it is a difference between life and death. 
In 2012 Calaveras County has already exceeded the national average in suicide deaths with a total of 15 deaths to date. This is unacceptable.
When I was asked by Kim Molina to speak today I was honored by her request, yet at a loss as to what I would say. Kim gently told me to speak from the heart. That, I can do.
Many of you may know me as a mother, an author, a journalist, a veteran activist, or simply a friend. Some of you may not know me at all, but what none of you know is that I am survivor.
On June 1, 2009 my best friend took her life.